SKALARFILM | Stories, that must be told ...

Über rike

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Bisher hat rike, 152 Blog Beiträge geschrieben.

Nicole’s Cage – green shooting


On the last day of shooting Nicole’s Cage, we were certified green shooting by the Filmfund Hamburg.

Director (Josef Brandl), Producer (Rike Steyer) and the actors (Marcel Mohab & Pheline Roggan) were happy to shoot more thougtfully regarding the environment. The shortfilm shooting was from the 8th of April until the 14th of April in Hamburg.

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Nicole’s Cage – green shooting2016-04-16T21:32:24+02:00

The second furtherance


„Nicole’s Cage“ is also funded by the Kuratorium junger deutscher Film! So now we start planning the shooting for Spring 2016…

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The second furtherance2016-02-08T19:11:14+01:00

Skalarfilm has moved


We’ve moved! Our new company address is:

Himmelstraße 23b, 22299 Hamburg

Skalarfilm has moved2014-12-02T13:13:08+01:00
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